A combat unit consists of a hero, A weapon, and a pet. Their attributes are accumulated and calculated during battles

There are a total of 48 hero codenames in Gas Hero. Each hero codename has a fixed gender and is available in 5 rarities: common, uncommon, rare, epic, and legendary.
Each codename has different fixed attribute numbers. For example, a tank codename might have a Defense value at 10 and an Attack value at 3.
A growth attribute is randomly calculated for each stat when the hero is created. The hero's stats will increase by this amount each time they level up.
In the game, each codename has up to seven different skills that can be upgraded.
Genesis Heroes will have a higher limit for random attributes.

Currently, the game only features weapons, with each hero able to equip up to one weapon.
There are eight types of weapons, each with different standard attack methods. Additionally, each weapon type has five weapon variations, with each variant being of a different rarity (common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary).
Furthermore, each weapon type has 2 fixed attribute types and a set of randomly generated attributes. Rarer weapons can have more random attributes, but won't have more than two of the same type.
A hero without a weapon will have 60% less damage. If the hero equips with a lower rarity weapon, the damage created will still be lower than one equips with a same rarity weapon.
Weapon Firing positions:
Weapon Targeting:

In Gas Hero, there are four types of pets: Dragon, Treant, Hermit Crab, and Panda.
Each type of pet has five evolution tiers, and each tier has five rarities.
A hero without a pet will receive 100% more damage. If the hero equips with a lower rarity pet, the damage received will still be higher than one equips with a same rarity pet.
Pets provide attributes and special functions. Unlike equipment, pet attributes are fixed.
Special functions have a significant impact on the pace of battle.
Hermit Crab
Action bar fills up faster
Increase initial action bar value
Increase initial rage bar value
Rage bar fills up faster

Each hero can be equipped with one weapon and one pet. Once assembled, the weapon and pet can not be removed, but new weapon or pets can replace them.

Nuclear Radiation
The heroes you equip in your lineup are considered to be on the battlefield, a dangerous world full of nuclear radiation. Once placed there, they become radioactive, and their days are numbered.
Heroes with higher rarity can withstand the radiation for a longer period of time. However, the number of days they can survive is not the same, as it depends on their rarity. The higher the rarity of the hero, the more nuclear radiation they can withstand.