Hero Mountain

Hero’s Mountain is a competitive game played by everyone.
  • Hero Mountain is a competitive game that everyone can participate in. Every 7 days is a schedule with 1 day of rest. Participate in daily challenges to earn points and improve your ranking.

  • When registering, you need to choose from three classes (Common, Uncommon, Rare), and the highest quality of the heroes in the lineup must match the class registered. Weapons and pets equipped must also match the hero's quality.

  • After reaching the Bronze tier, you can receive daily chest rewards. The higher the registered class and achieved rating tier, the more chests you will receive.

  • A batch of opponents is automatically refreshed every day, and additional energy can be spent to refresh more opponents.

  • At the end of each season, players at the Bronze tier and above will receive season rewards.

  • When the score changes within 200 points on the same day, the increase and decrease in points are at the normal rate.

  • When the score exceeds the initial score of the day by more than 200 points, the increase in points will be only 25%, while the decrease in points remains normal.

  • When the score is more than 200 points below the initial score of the day, the increase in points is normal, while the decrease in points will be only 25%.

  • At the end of each match, the number of points added to the winning side is slightly more than the number of points deducted from the losing side.

  • The prize pool for each round is 1/4 of the existing total prize pool. The total prize pool grows as 40% of the Auction House revenue during the individual Gas War and 20% during the clan Gas War is continuously injected.

  • The total prize for the Common class is 1/14 of the prize pool, 3/14 for the Uncommon class, and 10/14 for the Rare class.

  • After the end of each tournament, the top 150 players from each class will receive gGMT rewards.

  • Starting from June 23, 2024, every next Hero Mountain GMT prize pool will effectively be ¼ of the rolling prize pool.

  • The total GMT prize pool grows as 40% of the Auction House revenue during the Individual Gas War period and 20% of the Auction House revenue during the Clan Gas War period being injected at an on-going basis.

  • After the end of each tournament, the top 500 players will receive gGMT rewards.

Each player in top:










will receive (%) of the total prize pool








