

The source of the rewards is the 90%(Guild Match), 70%(Clan Match), 50%(Individual Match) revenue from various auction houses. The time periods for auction house revenue are described as follows.

Individual Match:

The auction house revenue from the day 1 to the day 10 of the current election cycle (a total of 10 days).

Clan Match:

The auction house revenue from the day 11 to the day 20 of the current election cycle (a total of 10 days).

Guild Match:

The auction house revenue from the day 21 to the day 32 of the current election cycle (a total of 12 days).


90%(Guild Match), 70%(Clan Match), 50%(Individual Match) of the auction sales revenue will be used as rewards, while the remaining 10% auction sales revenue will be official revenue, and 20%(Clan Match), 40%(Individual Match) auction sales revenue will be the reward pool of Hero Mountain.

Each win can share a part of the reward pool.





Individual Match
  • Clan Level Rewards: 2.5% of the total revenue of your own guild's auction house.

  • Guild Level Rewards: 27.5% of the total revenue of your own guild's auction house.

  • District Level Rewards: 25% of the total revenue of the auction house in your own district.

  • City Level Rewards: 20% of the total revenue of all districts' auction houses in your own city.

  • World Level Rewards: 5% of the total revenue of all districts' auction houses worldwide.

Clan Match
  • Guild Level Rewards: 70% of the total revenue of your own guild's auction house.

  • District Level Rewards: 28% of the total revenue of the auction house in your own district.

  • City Level Rewards: 28% of the total revenue of all districts' auction houses in your own city.

  • World Level Rewards: 14% of the total revenue of all districts' auction houses worldwide.

Guild match
  • District Level Rewards: 90% of the total revenue of guilds' auction house in your own district, plus 27% of the total revenue of the auction house in your own district.

  • City Level Rewards: 36% of the total revenue of all districts' auction houses in your own city.

  • World Level Rewards: 27% of the total revenue of all districts' auction houses worldwide.



  • Individual match rewards will be claimed by individuals.

  • Clan match rewards will be claimed by clan chiefs.

  • Guild match rewards will be claimed by guild masters.