change log
The evolution tiers of pets has been adjusted from 7 to 5.
At the start of the game, there will be two districts in the city.
When the overall energy consumption of the clan reaches a certain amount, players can start a clan adventure.
In clan and guild adventures, players are ranked based on the amount of damage they inflict, and rewards are determined based on their ranking.
The output of the living area has been adjusted to evolution cookie, while the output of the zoo is ancient fragment.
In the Boss challenge gameplay, the number of times a player can challenge has been changed from unlimited to 5 times.

In the market trading, the tax has been changed to be deducted from the income (rather than being borne by the buyer separately).
Change the attribute name “SP” to “MP”.
Added method for calculating strength.
Added Dooar Polygon Contract.
When calculating damage, the minimum damage has changed from 10% * Attack to 20% * Attack.
We have adjusted the naming of various items.
Instead of using the EIP-4337 module gas prepayment, we implemented a solution for people to authorize converting their GMT into MATIC whenever their MATIC is running low.
The upgrade of the auction house has added extra conditions, which can be viewed in the game.
The probability of getting Genesis through the Hero Capsule has been adjusted from Remaining Genesis Quantity / 10000 * 100% to Remaining Genesis Quantity / 20000 * 100%.
The number of Genesis heroes that can be obtained through the Hero Capsule has changed from 400 to 500, the number of Genesis heroes that can be obtained from marketing events has changed from 560 to 460.
The upgrade cost values of the base have been adjusted.
Only guild masters can cancel the settlement of other players.
Updated all the attributes and skill descriptions of the heroes.
Updated attibute types of the weapons.
The energy consumption requirement for Clan Adventures will be increased from 1200 to 1800.
The number of successful Clan Adventures required for Guild Adventures will change from 25 to 30.
We added requirement to use Power Cans in breeding and will now be half of the HP consumed, with the possibility of further adjustments based on macroeconomic conditions.
Added all types of attribute description.
Add rules for transferring skill points.
Add rules for reforging and remodeling.
Add page "Hero Mountain".
Update all skill descriptions.
In the market trading, the tax has been changed to be deducted from the income (rather than being borne by the buyer separately).
Change the attribute name “SP” to “MP”.
Added method for calculating strength.
Added Dooar Polygon Contract.
When calculating damage, the minimum damage has changed from 10% * Attack to 20% * Attack.
We have adjusted the naming of various items.
Instead of using the EIP-4337 module gas prepayment, we implemented a solution for people to authorize converting their GMT into MATIC whenever their MATIC is running low.
The upgrade of the auction house has added extra conditions, which can be viewed in the game.
The probability of getting Genesis through the Hero Capsule has been adjusted from Remaining Genesis Quantity / 10000 * 100% to Remaining Genesis Quantity / 20000 * 100%.
The number of Genesis heroes that can be obtained through the Hero Capsule has changed from 400 to 500, the number of Genesis heroes that can be obtained from marketing events has changed from 560 to 460.
The upgrade cost values of the base have been adjusted.
Only guild masters can cancel the settlement of other players.
Updated all the attributes and skill descriptions of the heroes.
Updated attibute types of the weapons.
The energy consumption requirement for Clan Adventures will be increased from 1200 to 1800.
The number of successful Clan Adventures required for Guild Adventures will change from 25 to 30.
We added requirement to use Power Cans in breeding and will now be half of the HP consumed, with the possibility of further adjustments based on macroeconomic conditions.
Added all types of attribute description.
Auction House Revenue Adjustment: We’re indefinitely cancelling the 25% burn rate of auction house revenues and reducing the official income portion from 25% to 10% until further notice. In a nutshell, 90% of auction house revenue will now fuel the Gas War rewards, directly benefiting our vibrant community.
New Gameplay: Hero Mountain(ladder PVP), all of the elders' donation will be the reward.